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Un memorial: mayo, mis amigos y mis hermanos

  It had been a hot spring day in Spokane, Washington on Saturday, May 5. Standing with 200 others, we silently watched as a Husband, Father, Grandfather, Teacher, Friend and fellow Marine was about to be laid to rest. Amongst the 200 onlookers were 12 United States Marine Corps Scout-Snipers who'd traveled from Virginia, Oregon, Washington, Texas, California and Montana to cover their respects to a fallen Brother, Sergeant Gary R. Reiter, 4th Marines, two tours in Vietnam. Seven Marines from the local Marine Corps League were called to attention, then position and commanded, "Fire," and the reverent silence of the afternoon air shattered like cheap glass by the report of seven rifles fired in unison. The tradition of the 21 gun salute is a vintage, old military custom dating back to the 1200's when it had been used to signal from one ship to another that it meant no ill will. The command might be heard, "Fire" yet again and the silence was pierced by the ri

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